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Get your name in front of your peers, exchange ideas, earn CE credit hours, and establish yourself as an expert!Why Invest in Being Published? Publishing an article with The NETWORK of CHRISTIAN COUNSELORS, Inc offers you several benefits: It places your name in front of your peers. Establishes you as an expert in a [...]


In the short piece below, Professor Sinead Murphy brilliantly ex-presses, in part, why I fret so much about the so-called covid measures. - Ernesto Vasquez, MD THE CAPTURE OF GOODNESS Goodness’ is not the word I wanted to use in this article. But ‘ethics’ sounded too abstract, ‘morality’ too rule-bound, ‘virtue’ too archaic, and [...]


Are you feeling anxious? Have you been stirred up by current events and uncertainties? Are you feeling unrest in your soul? “Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled.” These are the words that Jesus left with his disciples the night before his crucifixion. That’s right. He was preparing for his death, actually his murder. Yet [...]


Pennies are so devalued in our country that most people won't even pick them up if they see one lying on the ground. They get dirty and are often overlooked. The same is often true of the homeless. They are all around us on street corners and under bridges, but most people pass them [...]


SELF RELIANCE VS. DEPENDENCE ON GOD A very dear friend of mine said to me the other day, “God won't give me more than I can handle.” And because I love her and we have that kind of relationship where we can reprove one another, I challenged her on the thinking behind that statement. [...]


A CHANGE IN PERSPECTIVE This year has been tough, filled with pain and suffering. Our sense of well-being and security has been shaken as we faced events that in our lifetime we have never faced: global pandemic, financial uncertainty, the loss of loved ones and extended isolation from our normal support systems. It is [...]

2024-02-02T15:47:44-05:00November 30th, 2020|Articles, Network of Christian Counselors|

Understanding Why the Covid-19 Narrative is Psychologically Traumatizing

Understanding Why the Covid-19 Narrative is Psychologically Traumatizing Ernesto Vasquez, MD November 11, 2020 In my NCC seminar a couple of days ago, I offered an analysis of the covid-19 narrative as having imposed a severely stressful and psychologically traumatizing form of global captivity for humankind. I am writing this post to provide some [...]

2024-02-02T15:47:44-05:00November 15th, 2020|Articles, Network of Christian Counselors|

“I HAVE A HEART FOR…” – Ernesto Vasquez, MD

“I HAVE A HEART FOR...” Ernesto Vasquez, MD September 15, 2020 NCC’s academic year was inaugurated on September 14 with a symposium on the similarities and differences of some of the helping professions and on the centrality of networking among all of us. It was for me a WATERSHED EVENT. I proposed perhaps the [...]

2024-02-02T15:47:44-05:00September 16th, 2020|Articles, Network of Christian Counselors|

How can we have wisdom and faith to wait on the Lord?

How can we have wisdom and faith to wait on the Lord? Betsy O'Callaghan, LMFT How can we have wisdom and faith to wait on the Lord, to trust in Him when all around us our world is being turned upside down? One of the blessings I am seeing in the midst of so [...]

Finding Hope in Crisis

We are facing things in our world that we have never faced before and it is easy to get caught up in the fear and confusion that is so rampant in this season of the COVID -19 pandemic. How can we step back from the constant news updates and look for where we can [...]

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