TROUBLING FOXES Read this passage as God speaking to us, his beloved. The one I love calls to me. Arise, my dearest. Hurry my darling (complete one). Come away with me! I have come as you have asked to draw you to my heart and lead you out. For now is the time my [...]


STRENGTH THROUGH WEAKNESS What a season all of us in the southeastern United States have been through. Hurricane after hurricane have come and left us with homes and businesses damaged and destroyed. The landscape and beaches have been changed forever. In the midst of all of this, many who have faith have been able [...]

Esthers’ Rising! A Call to the Mall

Esthers’ Rising! A Call to the Mall By Dr. Pamela Paul, LMHC, NCC, DSc There are moments in history when a door for massive change opens. Great revolutions, for good or for evil, occur during these times. Revolutions where men, women, and even entire generations risk everything for a moment in history to bring [...]


GRIEVING WITH HOPE One of the hardest things to learn is how to grieve when we lose something or someone important to us. We often fight against feeling pain and allowing ourselves to be sad and weep when we we see a part of our lives ending. Yet often we have to let things die [...]


GOD’S PLAN IN ACTION One of the things that is encouraging to hear is when someone shares a time that God came through for them. Often these rescues or graces do not come in expected ways. God’s ways are not our ways. His ways are higher. His love is deeper and encompasses more. Like [...]

Resurrection Power: Strength to Overcome Life’s Sorrows.

Resurrection Power: Strength to Overcome Life’s Sorrows. An Easter Message by Dr. Pamela Paul The disciples spent three years with Jesus, who they knew as their Rabbi, son of man, son of God. They believed he was the Messiah, foretold by the great prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Malachi, and others. A king had come to [...]


FROM FEAR TO FAITH The ability to empathize or to see through someone else’s eyes is an important part of the counseling relationship. Actually, it is a valuable skill to have in any relationship. It takes listening and caring and the willingness to set aside our own perceptions and to enter into the world of [...]


PEACE THROUGH TRUTH So many times, as we look at the world around us and the difficult things we are experiencing in our lives, we see only the bad, and our hearts get caught up in fear and dismay. We may see ourselves or others around us in negative or untrue ways. Sometimes getting [...]

The Sweetest Thing: Love expressed through our God-given gifts

The Sweetest Thing: Love expressed through our God-given gifts. Holding a newborn baby, hearing a 2 year old’s laugh, hugging a friend you haven’t seen in a while, and snuggling with a beloved pet, these are all some of the sweet ways that we experience love. Real love is an action. Love is something [...]

God is in the Details

God is in the Details One of my favorite verses is found in Psalm 37:23 in NLT “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” I have seen this happen all around me lately. In many situations where there is a need, and circumstances are out [...]

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